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Monday, May 4, 2009


The Little Gardeners is our way of documenting our first forray into vegetable gardening.

Thanks to a move of house we finally have a garden for the first time in five years and boy are we excited!

The only experience of vegetable growing we've had before was five tomato plants on our windowsill last year that yielded the grand total of about six fruit in varying shades of green. So we're hoping to do slightly better this year!

At the new house we've got a small back garden which is a mixture of patio and corner and side beds. A full plan of the space and what we have planted where and sun/shade maps will be coming in a future post. We're learning as we go along and we hope that by sharing our ups and downs you can learn with us (and help when it goes horribly wrong!)

We'll also be keeping you updated on the other small folk we share our space with such as a pair of Goldfinches, a little mousey and the war against snails!

Thanks for visiting.

Tracy & Bryn

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