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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Are snails taking over the world?

Oh my god... I'm quite shocked. I've just done my daily evening garden check-up. I watered our seedlings that are doing nicely in our grow tent and noticed that a few of the radishes seemed to have been nibbled. We've had ants in the grow tent before that lopped of the leave of the basil, apparently that one of the only plants that ants eat, jolly good... Anyways, I take out all the trays one by one and check them all and there were bluddy snails in there!!! Can you believe the cheek of it! Two of them and between them they've managed to destroy six plants, so that's six meals they've wrecked for us, yes very good work Mr.Snail.

So I go grab my litter picker (see previous post, a god send for snail collecting) and I go on abit of a snail mission. One hiding under the lambs lettuce, got that little bugger.

Then I go to where they all seem to live, by the clematis. It's climbing up a wall with some trellis and they love it there. I've kinda left them alone for a few days thinking, you know, as long as they stay there then they're OK but today I decide to collect them all. I start off, slowly, one, two, three... keep going, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen... thirty one, thirty two, thirty three... I can't quite believe how many there are. A total of fourty-six! I mean, come on, that's just silly. We must have a snail nest or something? I've had a look on the interweb and it seems that they can procreate themselves, and you have mini-snails in about fourteen days. Fourty six though! And you all thought I was making a mountain out of a mole hill.

So this weekend I think the clematis is going to have to go. Sorry Mrs.Clematis but you harbour snails and this is what happens...

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