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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The cat that got the cream—and my beetroot!

It seems that if you decide to grow vegetables in your garden a large percentage of your time is dealing with things that try to eat them before you can. We've had ants that chomped our basil, snails devouring a whole row of baby cos, greenfly sucking the life out of our horseradish and now it seems we have a fury four legged foe who thought it would be fun to dig up our beetroot!

We've been nurturing them for about six weeks now and they were looking wonderfully healthy, so we finally put them into their bed on Sunday. I came home from work today and did my usual garden inspection when, shock, horror it seems that someone has had a good old dig and five whole plants had been buried under a mound of displaced soil.

I think I've managed to salvage them, I've repotted the poor little fellas, with soil right up to their first leaves so hopefully they'll grow some extra roots and I've netted over the remaining seedlings in the ground.

My dream of a home grown borscht soup is still alive and we'll be on the look out for that pesky cat. If anyone has a nice big hairy dog they'd like to lend us for the weekend please get in touch!

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