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Monday, May 25, 2009

The first harvest of the season

Radishes. Our first taste of grow-your-own. We've been growing the French Breakfast variety and finally we got to taste some of the fruits of our labour. To be honest, they've been pretty easy to grow, a few problems at the beginning with the ever present greenfly but they seemed to cope pretty well with them.

The French Breakfast are not as hot as the standard globe variety and I think when we grow them again we'll go for the globe version, don't get me wrong they were lovely but they could've done with abit more poke, if you get my drift.

We made a Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall recipe

Radish and Goats Cheese Raita

  • 200g of fresh radishes
  • 300ml of natural yoghurt
  • 100 g of fresh soft goat's cheese
  • 2tsp of chopped fresh mint

You just finely slice the radishes and mix everything together, as simple as that. It was nice, bit too cheesy for me, think we'll reduce the amount of goats cheese we put in next time.

But lets not dwell on that, I'd like to celebrate the fact that we've grown radishes, actually grown them, from tiny little seeds. Well, they did all the hard work, all we did was provide them with somewhere to grow. Thanks radishes, we did enjoy you, and we look forward to many more to follow!

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