BBC - Weather Centre - Latest Observations for Greenwich, United Kingdom

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Friday, May 22, 2009

We're proud parents!

Woo hoo! We were right, we thought Gary the Goldfinch had been tending to a nest somewhere over the Greenwich skies and today we saw the product of all his hard work! Three of the little fellas. We're so proud :-)

You can tell their babies by their plumage, an adult Goldfinch has a red head whereas the youngsters are fawn all over and have the little stripes over their chest and back.

The RSPB has a great little gadget for bird identification if you ever see something and you're not sure what it is.

They've all been having lots of fun in the eucalyptus tree at the bottom of the garden. It gives them great cover from the cats and other predators, it's like a birdie playground at the moment, brilliant fun watching them all.


  1. And at christmas you got no birds in the garden ,with luck now you should start getting other types ,when the feeder grapevine starts spreading,maybe you will get something bigger to scare the cats off or the snail eating leeser spotted silverfinch have you sorted out you snail problem or is that the Monday job

  2. we're getting loads of visitors now, we've got the goldfinch family plus a family of sparrows with three little ones who are outside right now, they're really noisy! Regular pair of blue tits, our robin, a dunnock and had a little wren hop across the garden over the weekend too.

    oh and how could I forget Pete the Pigeon, he literally spends his whole day just wandering around our garden, even when we're out there he's just walking around without a care in the world.
