BBC - Weather Centre - Latest Observations for Greenwich, United Kingdom

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Friday, May 29, 2009

Harry, Pat or Keith?

We had a huge bit of excitement yesterday in the little garden! A bird of prey! Not quite sure what it was though, it all happened so fast. We do know that there's a pair of nesting Peregrines over at the 02 which is probably about a one minute fly for a Peregrine. Apparently there's also Kestrels and Sparrowhawks in Greenwich Park so we've got a choice of three.

BB scared it off as he walked out into the garden and it literally flew right past with something furry in it's talons. Maybe a little mousey?

The garden has been pretty quiet since, think he's worried a few of the little babies but it's gradually getting back to normal, just spotted a Greenfinch today.

So was it a Harry the Hawk, Pat the Peregrine or Keith the Kestrel? Who knows, maybe he'll make a return flight and we'll be able to get a proper ID. Who'd thought such excitement in little ol'SE10!

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