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Saturday, July 18, 2009

To Eat or Not to Eat

This is Borage, looks wonderful doesn't it. We planted these from seed, originally for the bees as we'd read in a few places that they're rather fond of these lovely purple flowers. It also happens to be an edible flower, you'll find the seeds in the herb section at the shops.

We thought they'd be dainty little plants but my goodness, they're rather thick and ungainly and I'll be honest, not that pretty as a plant. The flowers look lovely but they're tiny in comparison to the rest of the big huge thick stalked body!

So the question, to eat or not to eat! And when do you eat them? After they've been pollinated? It would seem silly for us to take all the time and effort to grow these for the bees and then gobble them all up before the bees get a look-in!

A google or two later...

  • obviously, never use pesticides or any other chemicals on flowers you intend to eat.
  • pick them just after they've opened and early morning is best when their water content is at it's highest.
  • remove the stamen and pistal if any (the long wavy bits in the middle with pollen on the end) it's mostly the petals that are the edible part.
  • wash carefully in cold water, adding a small amount of salt will help get rid of any insects who've made a home there.
  • place them on some kitchen paper and allow to dry naturally. once dry they'll last up to 3 days if stored in the fridge.
Borage apparently has a cool cucmber taste and is great for punches, lemonades, G&T's, sorbets, chilled soups and dips.

Not that I ever need an excuse for a G&T...

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