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Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Hungry Caterpillar

Well, would you look at this cheeky chappy. Low and behold our Basil has been munched again! All of our Basil is indoors to try and stop it continually being bombarded by our little crawly friends and somehow this little fella has stowed away on the tray and has been happily munching away night after night.

I first noticed that a couple of the leaves had been eaten and thought maybe it was a couple of ants, as at first there wasn't too much damage. Then Saturday morning I came downstairs and he'd literally taken the tops of about 12 plants!
Look at the poor things! So I had a little scout around and the hungry caterpillar was hiding right at the back (well technically he was anything but hungry after a night of feasting on our Basil!). He was duly popped out into the front garden where he can much what he likes, plenty of weeds and ivy out there. Although I doubt they taste as good as young fresh basil! Well I hope he enjoyed it while it lasted.

The Basil seem to be recovering and I can see a few little green shoots this morning so hopefully they'll be fine. If anyone is Basil muching round here it's going to be us!

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