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Monday, July 20, 2009

Bumper Harvest!

Check this out. We had a huge harvest yesterday! What a great looking bunch. In no particular order we had: lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, french beans, spring onions, parsley, chives, shallots and potatoes. A small selection can be seen above. Those carrots, they may look small (give em a chance! they are the baby variety) but my word they pack some flavour, they were divine, some were flowery, almost perfumed, some had a hint of pepper not unlike a radish but I can safely say all formed some of the best carrots I've ever tasted and we've got a load more outside!

Yesterday was probably the biggest harvest so far and we were both really chuffed with everything we'd picked. This is the best bit of the year, when all your hard work starts to pay off.

Long may it continue!