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Saturday, July 4, 2009

Busy Bees (and Wasps)

We only moved into our house in September of last year so the current plants in the garden were abit of a surprise, none more so than the wonderful rose we have growing along the whole length of the garden fence. It's just beautiful, I thought for the past 2 weeks that it's actually our neighbours! But no, it's ours and lovely it is too.

It's absolutely bursting with flowers and the bees and wasps are having a brilliant time collecting little bundles of pollen.

You can see the little balls of pollen on his legs. I'd never seen this until a few weeks ago, they actually carry it around on their legs! Brilliant. So I was standing outside this morning watching them all go about their business and wondering whether you could see when a flower has been pollinated. On a closer inspection you can, it's pretty obvious, well I think anyway.

Here's a shot of flower that's had it's pollen collected.

And here's one yet to be harvested.

Well that's what I think anyway? I would say this is a pretty good assumption? Either way, our little buzzing friends are being kept busy and very happy they are too.

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