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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Corainder Seeds

If you've been reading our blog you're realise we've had abit of a non-Coriander year this year. When I say non-Corainder, that's abit of a fib, not completely, I mean we do have some Coriander, just not really edible Corainder. Our plant was looking wonderfully healthy but still a little on the small side so we decided to leave it a couple of weeks so it could flesh out a little and wouldn't mind being munched by us so much and in that time it decided it would run to seed. Ho hum... well not as bad as it sounds becuase Coriander seeds can still be used in cooking, particularly in middle-eastern receipes, curries and the like. Super.

It seems we harvest the seeds when they're just starting to turn to brown, cut the stem at the base of the plant and hang upside down in a brown paper bag until the seeds have dried then you can just shake them off the plant.

So all is not lost.

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