Check him out! We had a great big thunderstorm earlier and I was out snailpicking when I happened to stumble across this little fella. He was so well camouflaged amongst the beetroot I didn't see him at first. I think he was after a nice little munchie after the rain bought all the snails out, I'm sure he won't be disappointed, the garden was teeming with snails, how many do you think I collected? 136!!! Gross huh.
He's a European Common Frog
(Rana temporaria) his favourite foods are flies, slugs, snails and worms and he can live up to 15 years.
Anyway, we took a few snaps and he hopped back into the potato jungle. And his name? Of course, Freddy, what else would you call your friendly garden frog.
you like alliterations, don't you?!