BBC - Weather Centre - Latest Observations for Greenwich, United Kingdom

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Saturday, June 6, 2009

Baby where art thou

Well, another bit of avian excitement today. Due to the not very nice weather today we were both indoors, upstairs in our studio (well... spare bedroom full of computers really) we had the window open to let a nice little breeze in and bob's ya uncle what flew straight in through the window but a little baby blackbird! Bless him. I reckon he must've just fledged, his tail feathers were very short and he was a little more than unsteady on his feet.

He flew straight in and landed on my desk! we both panicked a bit, thinking oh my word, this is going to be interesting trying to get the little fella out again... we shut the door and sat down so he wasn't spooked and he just turned round and flew right out again!

I've really learnt to appreciate blackbirds this year, they look so proud and dapper. The little babies are brown and spotty, there should be a fair few around so look out for them, hopefully you won't get as close as we did this afternoon!

I think we'll name him Billy. Billy the silly blackbird :-) He did brighten our day.

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