Just been out in the garden today to check on everything and it's looking beautifully healthy. Here's an update and some snapshots of our sumptuous back yard.
First off, the herb garden. It's so green and lush, especially after the thunderstorm yesterday. The parsley is taking over a bit so we'll have to use some this week to keep him under control. And our coriander seems to be flowering and going all spindly, keep forgetting to look that up and see if that's normal.
As I said in a previous post, we've been having trouble with Basil. Nibbles by ants, and generally just being a bit pants in the Basil growing area. But, fingers crossed, this last batch seem to be doing OK. We've had them indoors for quite a while so they can establish themselves before they brace the outside world full of critters. We put them out yesterday in the sun but forgot to bring them in.... opps. But all is well in Basil land. They seem fine and all are intact. Got a couple of the purple variety too, just at the back of the photo there.
Now to the potatoes, quite literally a jungle. These are our main crop, Maris Piper. We didn't realise how tall they would grow, they must be about 4 ft by now. We've had some small problems, a few gusty days and the wind blew them right over, we were quite worried about them. But we bought some trellace and pinned them in and they seem to have recovered well and all looking wonderfully healthy. Really looking forward to those, August/September harvest.
Mmmmm. Look at these little beauties! Tomatoes. Can't wait for these. I must admit, I think we're going to have tomato overload, we have about 24 plants dotted around, we've even had to put some in a hanging basket in the front garden because we've run out of space! But the bees have been busy and doing us proud by pollinating away. I think we probably have about 50-60 tomatoes in various stages of growth at the moment and about 300 flowers across all the plants. Fingers crossed it's going to be a tomato fest.Lettuce
We had a bit of a lettuce nightmare at the beginning of the season and the snails well and truly caught us out. I was getting really peeved actually, felt like we were fighting a losing battle. But, for some reason, unknown to us, we've got a batch of lettuce in at the moment which have been munch free.... tempting fate I know. But they are looking divine! And I reckon we could pick a few leaves off here... maybe for next weeks work lunchbox?
When I put these little fellas into the ground a local cat dug them up, but I managed to salvage them by repotting them and letting them re-establish themselves. Actually a good little trick that has seemed to work really well to keep the diggers away, we just snapped some cheap garden canes in half and dotted them around the plot. Worked a treat.
Dwarf French Beans

Last but not least, the beans. We sneakily picked a bean yesterday (we went on the finger rule, longer than your finger, then yeah, it's OK) and it was deeelish. I think when we cook these it's literally blanch for 30 seconds and that's it, or I did think diced up raw into a soup to add some crunch, could be nice in a pea and mint. Anyway, we've got five plants, all doing well (apart from a small blackfly infestation on a couple—don't worry, we have the ladybugs on the job) so looking forward to a nice little harvest from these fellas.
So that concludes our little update. I do enjoy the first inspection of the day. It's great to see everything with fresh eyes.