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Sunday, August 1, 2010

A dinner full of roots

Our beetroot is doing us so proud. We're really chuffed with how well they're doing. We planted a lot more than we did last year simply because we enjoyed them so much.

We've only got a tiny little garden and a quarter of the land is taken up with the beauties, and we made sure that this year we staggered our planting - so hopefully we'll have more of a constant supply rather than like last year where we had a massive glut for 2 weeks and then nothing!

Our current favourite way to eat them is roasted with some nice garlic and rosemary oil but this year I'm hoping that we'll have enough to make our own Borscht soup - a real favourite in the little gardeners house.

And if we're going to pull some beets today it only makes sense to pull some carrots too. I mean.. how could you not. I think the baby carrots are one of my top 5 crops from the garden. Infact they're probably a close second to the tomatoes - maybe even joint first.

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