If they've got used to food in your garden then they'll expend precious energy flying to a guaranteed food source and so it really is important to still put food out for them. Any old scraps will do, you don't need to spend money on expensive seeds – left overs are great. In this cold weather they needs lots of fat to get them through the cold nights so things like cheese, left over pastry (mince pies are a great treat!) yorkshire puddings etc. Bread is OK to feed them as long as you put other things out with it too, whilst it fills them up it doesn't give them the nutrients they need so try and vary what tit bits you give them.
Today I put out a left over bit of pizza – I didn't give them the crust just the nice bits with lots of cheese on, an old bit of cheddar and some mealworms. The RSPB has a whole heap of advice on what, when, how and why to feed the birds here.
Mr and Mrs.Blackbird have been feasting today, the Grey Wagtail has made several other appeareances (not the best picture I know but I wanted to show everyone he does actually exist!) and our resident Dunnocks have been out and about, a nice shot here of one hiding in the bushes.

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