BBC - Weather Centre - Latest Observations for Greenwich, United Kingdom

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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Welcome Back

I know it seems that the only birdie pictures I ever post on here are Goldfinches, it's probably true but they're so small and perfect, and look at all those wonderful colours. Just beautiful.

Anyways, if you recall back in the summer we had a wonderful little Goldfinch family, Gary and his Mrs and then six or so weeks later a whole family, three babies I think it was. Well, they were regular visitors for about two months or so and then 'poof' – they disappeared. I just assumed they were off on their summer holidays to Africa on winter migration. But ah-ha the RSPB bird identifier came in handy again. Not all of them migrate, about a third of them stay here in the UK over winter, so of the 300,000 or so Goldfinches in the UK there's very likely to be around a 100,000 that stay put.

Well jolly good show, is all I can say. The piccie above was of just one of them, we had six on the feeders yesterday. Now all I need to find out is where they went for that two month period? The only thing I can think is that with all the autumn berries around they didn't need the seeds from the feeders?

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