BBC - Weather Centre - Latest Observations for Greenwich, United Kingdom

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Saturday, October 3, 2009

Bee Nice

There we were, last Saturday digging around for a few potato's when we noticed this fella, looking very sorry for himself indeed.

We'd read a fair bit about exhausted bees and we reckon this was what we had before us—basically the little guy has run out of energy and can't fly and if nothing was done, eventually he'd die.

Little Gardners to the rescue! We rushed indoors and dipped a little sheet of paper into some honey and he lapped it up. We left him to sunbathe on his white sheet of paper and went indoors for 10 minutes or so, when we came back outside he'd flown away.

We both feel quite pleased with ourselves, the bees need all the help they can get at the moment, populations are crashing in the UK and every little helps. Bill Oddie would be so proud :-)

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